About Us

Obedient to God’s call, we started Lighthouse Baptist Church in the summer of 2003. Our area needed a...

Friendly People

Here you will find fellow believers that will encourage you in your walk with Christ and challenge you to glorify God in your daily life. Let us be the ones to help you draw closer to Christ.

Conservative Music

We believe that the biblical instructions concerning music are best obeyed with traditional hymns from the hymnal and congregational singing. Come be blessed with "old fashioned" yet timeless music.

King James Bible

We make no apology for standing on the King James (Authorized) Version as the word of God for English-speaking people. We believe it contains "every word of God" but while we're King James Only, we're not King James Ugly.

Note from the Pastor

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.

I hope you find the information here helpful and encouraging.

Since starting Lighthouse Baptist Church in June of 2003, we have seen God do some amazing things. Many young people that we worked with as teenagers are now faithful adults with growing families, serving along side us in the ministry. God has allowed us to currently support more than 60 missionaries and works in the United States and around the world.

If traditional, Christ-honoring music, Bible preaching and Christian fellowship is what you are looking for, we hope you will come visit us soon.

Pastor David Grice
Lighthouse Baptist Church
Preaching the TRUTH, in LOVE, on FIRE!

Lighthouse Baptist Church Ministries